As an ethically responsible employer we regard our approach to corporate social responsibility as a key driver for our business. In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals our CSR strategy is aligned under the following aspects


Good health & well-being

We strive to ”ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all ages” through providing our workforce with the knowledge and opportunities to be the best version of themselves. We value our workforce and seek to prioritise the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff in how we approach all aspects of our business.

Gender equality

We take an equal opportunities approach to recruitment and promotion within our business strongly believing that a successful business is built upon a diverse range of skills, knowledge and perspectives.

Decent work & economic growth

The ”promotion of sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” is demonstrated within our business through striving to be an employer of choice. We recognise that our business has great potential to positively impact not only on the lives of our employees but also the communities in which we work.


Industry, innovation & infrastructure

The very nature of our business aligns us to the UN goal to ”build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation”. We actively strive to foster an environment where our workforce are encouraged and applauded for bringing forth ideas and strategies which improve not only the way we work but reduces impact on the communities in which we work.

Responsible consumption & production

By aligning our purchasing, usage and waste management approaches we have developed a robust strategy which ensures sustainable consumption. We work closely with our clients and their design team to ensure that we deliver projects which are driven with a lifecycle view and not just on immediate cost. This is a principle we also expect from our supply chain.

Climate action

We recognise the significant impact the construction industry has on climate change. Therefore we are committed to operating our business in an environmentally sustainable manner.